Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Poem by my daughter

I snub my noise at your labor of love, spit it out onto your clean floor
I want to throw dirt on you, rub my grimy hands on your freshly washed linen.
I want to rend and rip and tear its head off.
I want to throw it on the ground and smash it with my foot
I want to squish it under my thumb and grind its guts into the concrete.
I want to smear its beauty with crimson and black and blue.
I want to pinch his skin from his body and bite off his ear.
I want to rage and curse and smash my fist into your face.
I want to twist it until it severs, dig my nails into your eyes and scratch your cheeks until they bleed.
I want to grab you by the hair and pull with all my strength.
I want you to suffer the deepest horror life can muster.