The fact that he wants to bilk unsuspecting get-rich-quick hounds out of money speaks to his character. And is, sadly, the exact same model to power his campaign: preying on the gullible and desperate (who don't even realize they're gullible and desperate).
As an additional comment on his character, rather than comment on the merits of the lawsuit, he launches an ad hominem attack on the judge. A rookie mistake by an inept debater.
And the final point: his attack was racist. Another rookie mistake: projecting your own character onto your enemy. Just because Trump would bias himself for or against something because of his racial prejudices doesn't mean his opponent would do likewise. But, if he felt his case was strong on its merits, why would the judge be an "opponent" even before the case goes to trial? If Trump were to attack the judge for being biased against bigots, he might have a stronger leg to stand on, but whatever the motivation for the attack on a judge, it belies his defensiveness.
I don't want a defensive President, period. I want one who's confident in his facts and stance so he can be calm and firm when the chips are down. Not this cognitively dissonant and shrill "cocky victim"-mentality. Get some therapy, my troubled fellow American. When Obama was overly defensive and victim-y with the recalcitrant Republican congress (and if anyone ever had a legitimate claim to be shrill, this was it), I didn't like it. It reduced him to to less than he should be.