My former boss/man-ager was in touch lately and asked if I was interested in helping dub her next piece of puppy. Brainstorming... This old brain ain't nearly as rubbery as it was, so we'll see -- I'll try to limber up...[cracking my metaphorical (brain) knuckles <snap! snap! crack!>]
Ken and Anne Shapazian. The dog is a Cheyenne, Cayenne, he looks shy, your name's Anne, but you mentioned he looks a little reddish, there's the Cayenne like the pepper, Cay (rhymes with sky) for short. Cheyenne Wyoming always makes me think of that color. And my daughter's name is Shion (pronounced she-OWN, but my mom called her SHY-on before she heard it spoken -- a hundred times), Those are both gender neutral. The color of tanned leather (Tanner) but browner and redder, Tan-lea (which means "so read" in Spanish and which is phonetically "so red" like, she's brown, but such a reddish brown that she's so red for being brown). Curly Sienna, her actual color (as my eye sees it and brain knows it) is a sienna. Sienna, which I've been to, which I love and have amazing memories of (probably better memories than the actual experience, but that's one of the benefits of a healthy imagination -- your memories are MORE than reality, providing you're erroring on the side of better and not worse). Si-enna, See-enna or Sigh-enna. Sigh -- puppies make you sigh from time to time.
Half way between Newfoundland and Germany (the breeding grounds for the Labrador and Poodle, respectively), is the North Atlantic between Iceland and Greenland. NORTHATLANTIC. That's CITNALTAHTRON (sitnaltatron) spelled backward which would be an apt name for a robot in Sanskrit, but not so much a furry friend. The middle four letters are alta. Well, that took me nowhere. Alta evokes the snow-capped peaks of the Alps, which is nice (though not necessarily meaningful to the breed), and I imagine calling for your lost dog "Alta!" which could be Ul-tuh or Al-ta (rhumes with pal-ta). If you were a Chargers fan, the middle two letters are LT (for Ladanian Tomlinson) which would definitely have good vibes and connotations for you. And a fair name for a pooch.
You're French, Mercier, and La-Poo as in L'peu (means "the little" in English according to Google Translate - always). or L'pu which means "the able" or L'peau - "the skin"?
In homage to Guiness, the color is closer to a Porter or Dunkel. Porter is more dignified, but Dunkel is more Fun-kel. And if it's a male and he breeds, he could become Uncle Dunkel.
OK, so that's a little for this evening. If that gives you some thought, send them back to me and I'll chew on those for awhile. Which reminds me of when Guiness(?) ate your diningroom furniture. Or parts thereof.