OK, so you want China to pony up for their role in letting Coronavirus ravage the world. You want to defund the WHO for their part in not being perfect. Discounting the fact that you, personally and INDIVIDUALLY (with your sycophants), created the American Shitshow of pandemic response. Capital B-ULLSHIT! Everything that happened good in American was IN SPITE of you, smart and proactive state leadership, contrarian staff members like Fauci, and others. Left to you, we would be even more fucked, you gargantuan festering parasite. Fuck you, motherfucker.
Because, take a left turn and we have another death angel staring us down, daring us to step over its line (an order of magnitude worse), and and there you go, forward amain. "I won't see your red line, ecotastrophe." Across the board, motherfucker, you roll back programs that are designed to slow down the terraforming we're unwittingly (not meaning we don't know it's happening, but rather that we don't know all the collateral change we're wreaking upon the world) perpetrating. From adding poison to our water to reducing our emissions to decimating our force-multiplier status as world leader, you're fucking the world up the ass, with glee. What, you don't think American's are smart enough to figure out how to make a living and still prevent the premature death of the world? I believe it, you financial elitist.
You want to feign righteousness over one issue -- Coronavirus (in which you, yourself, own a controlling stock in its death rate), and on the next issue over, even more destructive -- climate change -- you are the number one global desecrator. Fuck that, you piece of shit.
Had we, as a nation over the last 4 years, acted with scientific integrity, and acted in accordance with the most likely scenarios given our limited knowledge of the future and our best models, then we would have the moral standing to ask others to do the same. But, on the contrary, we didn't. We, literally, did the opposite. Again, the governors of most states can legitimately act in the interest of our country in those regards because many of them have, indeed, maintained a science-based policy respecting what we know of coronavirus and climate change.
No one knows all the answers and no one knows the best thing to do. That has never stopped intelligent and diligent people from acting in the best long-term interest of the most of us. Balancing the economy Today and This Year with the long-term well being of America and the World, for Christ's sake (if you believe in that sort of thing), is important. When your vision extends to YOU and YOUR family and YOUR friends and YOUR moment, well, you're a short-sited egoist buffoon (not that there's anything wrong with that), and DAMMIT, you shouldn't be leading a nation that wants to last for a few more centuries, the former beacon on the hill for the rest of the world. No, you should be back in your little channel with your tiny people, becoming moderately wealthy while screwing over those who trust your sorry bullshit.