Thursday, January 10, 2013


Antonio Damasio

Baby smiles

Beethoven's 9th Symphony

Breaking Fast

Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal

Crossword and Sudoku

Elegant Infographics

Fresh coffee

Good curry

Google suite of tools

Key Lime Pie (and See's Key Lime Truffle)

Life discussions with kids

Magazines (SciAm, SciAm Mind, Atlantic, Esquire, Wired)

Nabokov and Dostoyevski


Piano time

Pictionary and Taboo and Guesstures

Pinky time (Orange skies)

Runner's high

Sunflower Seeds

Taco Shop Fish Burrito

Thai Lime & Chili Cashews

Thai tea

The Nightly Whisky

Theme music from my favorite TV Shows (Office, Firefly et al.)

This American Life, RadioLab, The News from Lake Woebegone

Thursday TV nights

Tomoko's Ginger Pork

Vlassic Crunchy Kosher Dill Pickles

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