Sunday, May 12, 2013

American Military Heroes and Criminals

I was moved to tears by Jessica Buchanan's 60 Minutes interview when she described her rescue by Seal Team 6.  There are true heroes in the American Armed Services.  I am embarrassed and disgusted when I hear the widespread reports of American military men assaulting women, including both other service members and civilians. With one and a half million service members, it's unrealistic to think we could eliminate all cases of rape and sexual assault, but according to the latest assessments, it's way too pervasive and a serious compromise of operational readiness.

It needs to be the attitude of America's fighting force to not let our desire to be a global force for good be sullied.  Overall, if every proud rescue we make is counteracted by ruining a life of one of our servicemembers through a rape or sexual assault, we are a net liability to our country.  Dammit, leaders, get this right.  Use the same mission mentality we have when we're going to neutralize the enemy to neutralize the internal enemy.  No equivocating.  No negotiating with anyone who would perpetrate harm on any one of our fighting force.

How would we react if an enemy combatant were to infiltrate our military and rape our female members?  We would route those bastards out and pillory them.  Same thing; let's do it.

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