Friday, September 25, 2015

Honest Abortion

Enough rhetoric.  Enough politics.  Enough polemics, hyperbole and melodramatics.

Abortion is a hard decision, it's traumatic, and it should be prevented, avoided, and obviated at every opportunity.  No one wants an abortion, even someone who wants an abortion.  They want an abortion ONLY because fear  a greater pain for the future baby than the pain of killing their unborn baby, their own death, or some social stigma (caused by the expectation of being judged by their imagined society for unwed motherhood or other, or fear of the death of their livelihood).

You bitches and sons of bitches who try to shame people into not getting abortions should figure it out. Pray for a cessation of your displaced anger and aggression and for the ability to stop your egregious judgment. If you really want to stem the tide of abortions, get off your arrogant high horse and apply all of your energies in that area to 1. Educating people about the options, 2. Making people who might want to abort understand that you will adopt their baby (or find a good family who will), and find every other option for the future born baby that will make carrying the baby to term a REAL option for the reluctant mother!  If that means supplying the means to support her through her pregnancy, fighting for additional employment rights for pregnant women. Don't bury your big head in the sand and pretend your anti-birth control stance is not a ridiculous contradiction to anti-abortion.  Anti-birth control and anti-abortion requires a suspension of your natural intelligence tantamount to intentional ignorance which flipping off your Creator, "Um, thanks for the brains, but I'm not interested in using them."  If you want people to be abstinent, than you have to somehow be involved enough in the lives of your target (through building trust through love and caring) that they can hear you and want to follow your counsel!  Are you willing to take up that cross or are you just a blow-hard trying to impose your righteousness on others.  Own your bullshit and live with integrity.

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