Tuesday, September 19, 2017

What We All REALLY CAN Agree On. Let's Start There.

1. It would be nice if more and more people had decent health insurance every year. Maybe we could figure out how to make that happen.

2. It would be great if we could put more of our money toward educating our young than incarcerating our adults. Let's find a way to systematically shift every dollar spent on prisons and jails to educating and meeting the mental health needs of children.

3. Discrimination sucks. It brings people down for no reason. It never brings people up. Let's continue to fight for fair treatment for humans, and humane treatment to animals. Death to mosquitoes!

4. Trust in government is important, so fighting corruption and increasing transparency is vital.

5. People having faith in the electoral system is an important factor to trust in government. Everything we can do to make it more transparent and secure is worth it. Things to take a really good look at: The Electoral College, Gerrymandering, Term Limits, and Citizens United.

6. Our workforce must meet today's needs. People need to be thinking about the future when they start their careers, with a viable plan B always there in case something happens to the industry, job, etc. This is more important every day as we see automation and AI taking on more and more. Examples: Online banking and learning (changes the role and focus of teachers from purveyors of information to facilitators of learning techniques and critical thinking)

7. Education can be greatly improved: What we teach, how we teach, when and where we teach. All are due for some serious overhauls.

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