Thursday, July 19, 2018

I believe these things...

  • Maximized individual freedom.
  • Corrupt government is worth fighting.
  • Government has a role in modern life, but it has to be trusted, so every bit of corruption needs to be highlighted and eliminated to the maximum extent possible.
  • A non-partisan free press is important to identify and publish abuse of power and needs to be supported.
  • Collective security requires people to feel secure, which means an effective law enforcement,, which means law enforcement must be trusted which means law enforcement must be trustworthy which means they need to be policed and monitored closely from inside and outside their ranks for their own effectiveness and safety.
  • Prisons and schools need to be public enterprises, No private prisons and no privatized "public" schools. No PROFITEERING from incarceration! If we're going to lock people up for our own good and for their own good, we need to all pay for it directly with taxes.
  • The goal of incarceration should be rehabilitation, not punishment. As long as it takes to allow someone to become an effective contributor to society. That doesn't mean people responsible for certain crimes (sexual assault or murder) should ever be free to roam the streets on their own, but within their incarceration, they can work and contribute to atone for their harm against society from their safe lockdown.
  • Equity of education until adulthood is for the common good. That means it will require more resources to educate poor communities, and so be it. We need to pay it. Once we're adults, then, it's on the individual, but they have to be educated about the tools to help define and strive for their own success in their own callings or desires.

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