Friday, July 17, 2020


Some cosmic Charlotte is weaving the words, "Some Year" into her web. Someone else is calling it the Anus Miserables (sic). And of course, comets are mythical harbingers of doom. Let's hope this one was just a little late rather than on time. And in my lifetime, this is the biggest and brightest comet. Because the events of biblical proportion are piling up. Plague. Locust (Africa and India). Flooding (China). Racial unrest. [The Killer Hornets weren't actually legit]. Sounds scary.

So, in our lives, we all have these crazy years where big things lead to major upheavals. And many of those have affected us individually more than this year has. A marriage and/or a first child, a life threatening disease or injury that takes us out of commission for an extended period of time. A religions epiphany that utterly upends things. Hitting bottom in an addiction and going through rehab and being sober. Lots of different ways our lives can be turned upside down. But collectively, this is "The Big One." Nothing has had this much of an impact in this little of a time on this many people, so that makes it unique. WWI and WW2, given the whole scope certainly rivals today, so far. As did, perhaps, the Great Depression. The pandemic of 1918-19? Not sure. But here we are, finding ourselves living through a historic moment. Enjoy it! Make it memorable! Deal with it! Embrace the suck, if in fact, your life is really sucking because of it (and many are, but many aren't). Mine, for example, is pretty chill, no major headaches so far, and I know that's a privilege and a gift.

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