Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Riding to work this morning (RTWTM), I  thought that archetypical thought, "What if I knew then what I know now..." and reviewed my old relationships and decisions from the standpoint of someone wisened by life's jarring lessons and a proclivity to look underneath to see how things work.

Having just spend a couple hours with one of my former students talking over her next stage in life (whether to stay near San Diego or move to NYC to pursue a graduate degree), and received a positive word about how that helped her clarify her thoughts, I put the two thoughts together.

It's not a new idea, but how could it be strengthened?  In prehistoric times, the tribal elders were omnipresent lending their experience and wisdom to everyone all the time.  Contrasting with our fragmented society where the old are shuttled off to their own enclaves to live out their autumn years together.

And think of all the young who would benefit from a few hours a month talking about their issues with some thoughtful oldster who has the time and inclination to leave a larger legacy than a pile of poopstained Depends(tm)

Why isn't someone putting these two groups together?

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