Monday, July 24, 2017

Let's Keep Our Eye On The Ball, People.

Nature abhors a vacuum, so when there's no real crisis, we make one up to fill our emotional space. Like a gas, whatever the latest drama is will expand to fill our container.

This, in itself, should be something we keep in mind all the time. The consequence, if we don't, is that the real crisis will sneak up on us and fuck us from behind.  The important, somewhat non-urgent things, have to be kept in check and on our radar, because the little peccadilloes will distract us if we're not shrewd.

It's part of being an adult, and as a country, it's part of keeping the long-term programs strong and effective. For example, the existential threats to our way of life are economic stability, maintaining our trust in government (bigger picture: making sure our government is competent, which we're struggling with at the moment), and keeping ourselves on a positive trajectory as a people -- united and aligned.

Our little differences can be dealt with, like what sort of healthcare will keep us together, but we need real leadership in bringing us together on the overall goal: providing adequate healthcare for everyone so we can pretty much get on with our lives.

It's better if more of us are involved in substantial ways in working toward solutions to our major threats: International Security, Wage Inequality, and Equal Opportunity.  Pick one and get to work. Click here.

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