Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Real and Surreal - Consciousness

Those of us who have pondered the nature of conscious awareness and consciousness have concluded that this hard-to-express, hard-to-define, hard-to-explain phenomena is unique.  The brain (and body neurosystem and its chemistry) contains it, but it is not of the brain. It's of time, geometry, residence, and electrochemistry all mucking up together, with its mixture of realtime sensory input, stored neural pathways and memories, neurotransmitter concentrations and distributions, and contemporaneous fluctuations in all of that which give us this sensation of being. To try to deconstruct it into any momentary or sub-system of all that mixtures is to remove some of what it means to be human.  As such, even if we were able to download all of those complex and chaotic algorithms into another brain or artificial intelligence system, it wouldn't be the same being.  If it (that consciousness) were able to be cloned (and I'm way dubious), it would exist as its own separate entity.  I couldn't go there with it, because the me is wholly existant only within THIS body/mind system.  The new person might be another, different me, and HE might be able to feel like he's me inside another being, and as far as YOU are concerned, it might be an good enough version of me to carry on as me (because you don't feel me like I feel me). As I interact with you, I don't feel the you-ness of you -- I only sense the you as I know you to be through observation, interaction, and our history along with all the assumptions, understandings and comprehensions that I apply to all my thoughts and feelings of you.  But I can't know the feeling YOU have while being you.  That's yours alone, never to be able to be shared with an "other."   So the idea that I would be able to live as another person, immortal or transcending my own body, is not a thing.  At least not for many millennia of advancement...  Here's a scientific thread for you to turn into a novel: A person is merged with a mindscape and lives with it over time, allowing me and it to grow together directly connected to my mindspace until it becomes more and more of part of me and when it's been able to share enough experience where I have direct mental access to it directly connected to my brain, and if I can train myself to access and store and live from that space until they are mutually connected as if I had the two brains and I was intentionally duplicating my memories and experiences with that secondary mindscape, then perhaps after years and years, I could start letting my original brain slowly drift off-line (maybe as it dies), then, like someone having a hemisphereectomy or severing the corpus collossum (which happens sometimes due to brain tumors or severe, life threatening/debilitating conditions), the original could be removed and much of my conscious self could continue on Brain two.  If you do choose to go that route, let me know so I can take credit for this pretty cool idea.  I've never seen it talked about like this before, so as far as I know, this is the first time it's been proffered as on option.  We could start developing the protocols today and in the next hundred years or so of brain research, they could start developing the interface technologies to accommodate it.  Good luck!

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