Friday, August 18, 2017

I'm Not Afraid of Those People

I'm not afraid of whites. I'm not afraid of Black people or Mexicans. I'm afraid of desperate people. People who are not secure in their careers with families to provide for or with no healthy avocations to fill their down-time with life-enhancing or home/community improvement endeavors. People with little hope and little to keep them gainfully employed with healthy self esteem.

When I think of who's going to break into my home or threaten my family, it's anyone who, for whatever reason, feels the need to harm others, whether to take their things or try to make themselves feel better through harming others (it's a real thing people do, ask a clinical psychologist). Someone who feels afraid, backed into a corner, DESPERATE (either physically, emotionally or mentally).

If we want to keep society moving in a positive direction, we need to adjust our institutions so people of whatever race and creed feel they are getting a fair chance (by giving them an actual fair chance and helping them FEEL that truth -- but it has to be true, for Pete's sake!). That means every shred of evidence they have to the contrary (institutional racism -- also a real thing, corruption in politics and government, police treatment of the public -- especially where there is a visible history of unfair treatment/racism, etc.) needs to be actively and measurably reduced to the lowest levels possible.

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