Sunday, August 13, 2017

Immigration -- Problem Solved

The big fear in immigration is that they will not assimilate. That's an easy problem to solve.

1. Be kind to immigrants. Show them how awesome America can be and they will want to be like us. Yes, they can keep their food insomuch as they can find the right ingredients here in America. I love the multiethnic foods that come along with our immigrants. They can keep any of their beliefs, and act on them as long as they don't infringe upon the rights of others (American value). That means if it's not fair, if it wishes to take away the rights of women, if it wishes to supersede or undermine our law, then not so much. No. But if we treat people in our country fairly and with appreciation, we'll get the same in return. People want to be part of a good thing, part of a supportive and productive community. We need to help people realize this basic human need. Failure to do so, and we foment the types of problems we're seeing now.

When children or second generation immigrants are here and they feel the unkindness and unfairness, a portion of them will be radicalized, as would a portion of us if we found ourselves surrounded by haters and became desperate. Hating causes disenfranchisement and ultimately despair and finally uprising. You will reap the punishment of your hate by creating, with your hate: violence to the haters (and the silent who allow the hate to go unstemmed.

The how...that's a big, barely tractable problem. But if we can put a man on the moon, we can do it.

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