Saturday, September 28, 2019

How kindness relates to saving the earth.

Saving the earth.

OK, let's agree the earth is heating up and it's making all sorts of changes throughout the world. Even now, some Pacific islanders are looking for a new place to call home. Refugees suffer, and the more refugees, the rate of suffering increases exponentially as countries' ability to manage the situation is strained to their limits. Conditions around the world right now with immigration are obviously strained (the US just halved it's annual cap of refugees). The faster the climate changes, the faster people will have to adjust to the new conditions, and again, the more people who have to remake their lives in less time, the more pain. Have you ever been forced out of your house because of flooding or fire? Yeah. Major suffering.

As a participant in the modern carbon-intensive lifestyle, every contribution I make to the tonnage of carbon dioxide we add to the atmosphere adds the future suffering of humanity. Kindness demands an effort to reduce my contribution to the future suffering of humanity. Even if I can prevent just a few families from having to endure the excruciating undertaking of uprooting and finding somewhere else in the world that might take me in, my efforts will provide some succor.  Once I know this, inaction is turning my back on the welfare of my fellow human. 

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