Friday, March 6, 2020

Trump and the Christians

When someone doesn't espouse your values, you can forgive him and you can love him as Jesus instructed, but I'm pretty sure Jesus never said you should make him your leader and you should idolize him and give him vast amounts of power and let him be the spokesperson for your whole country. Or did he?

He's like a one man crusade to crucify the 10 commandments. It's like the "thou shalt not's" are his bucket-list. It's like he takes the words of Jesus and does the opposite: Love your enemy? I'll hate my friends!  Turn the other cheek? Hell no, redouble their slight! If a person asks for your shirt, give him your jacket as well. God forbid - exploit the poor, especially from countries of brown skinned people! Give to Caesar what is Ceasar's? You're not seeing my taxes because I've done everything I can to cheat.  Of course you can all go on and on.

The President is and should be the leader and role model for his people, and Trump is among the worst leaders and an absolutely terrible model to follow.

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