Friday, May 29, 2020

Joe Biden - Stop Talking. Start Walking.

Joe Biden, you want to be the President of the United States? Start acting like it. I heard your talk today. Talking is not enough. Convene your "commission to end racism and poverty" now. You don't need ------- permission to act; as an American, you can organization to do good. Just ------- do it.  And if you don't become the President, continue leading your commission. Bring together all those leaders hungry for a leader, people who ------- care: the NAACP, the Southern Poverty Law Center, ACLU, the Republicans for The Rule of Law, NAPO and IUPA, and more. They're doing their work in their areas, and it needs to continue. But you: bring them together, create the plan, execute the plan. The time for talking is past. The time for planning and acting is now. You want to be the President? Start acting like it. The one we have won't, and you're doing a lot of yakking. "Enough," you said. Why am I not hearing the news blabbing on about your outrageous moon-shot plan to end racism? Why am I not hearing the talking heads at Fox News mocking you for your Quixotic Manhattan Project effort to save the world? DO NOT WAIT until the election. The best election campaign is to stop wasting your breath and start doing something. You want to be the President and bring us together? Don't wait. Bring your party leaders together, reach across the ------- aisle and bring the Republicans to the table. Get Al Franken back in the game. Get Senators and Representatives of color in the room. How about your old friend from the White House back in the day? And the whites, too! Give me a call, I have some time on the weekends. Me and the kids can chip in. Break up into sub-committees of interest, create a ------------- action plan, and start acting! And don't give us ------- excuses about why you have to wait, don't tell us you're busy with a campaign and everything else.

Give people another reason to vote for you besides "you're not Trump."

And while you're at it, do the same thing for the #MeToo movement. I don't know if Tara Reade is a real thing, but if it WERE true, what would you do to make it better (because even if you really didn't do anything, that scenario is true way too often for way too many)? Do it. A person can have two projects. If you became President, you would have even more to do. Of course you can't solve it all in one fell swoop, but, ----- ------, start the first fell swoop. And make it fell. You can be a part of making America great in a way that we have never actually been (as a whole): how we treat the oppressed. (Is that the opposite of ball-cap MAGA?) LEAD NOW, ------------!  ------------- COURAGE or sit down!

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