Monday, May 11, 2020

Mental Disorders

Inspired from this article in Nature, posted by my friend, Randy.

In it, I came across the diagram below and it begs a few important questions that I'd need a medical health diagnostic expert to help me answer. First, having worked with a lot of autistic students over the years, and knowing that many experienced an elevated level of anxiety, why the very small linkage between those two disorders? Once someone was diagnosed with ASD, did they then attribute any anxiety to that disorder and so drop Anxiety? Same question with OCD? How are people with ASD not highly correlated with OCD which is prevalent among them?

Also, it makes sense that PTSD would not necessarily be closely related to any of the genetic dispositions since its root cause is mainly/primarily an event or situation that caused the trauma and was mostly causal, which would naturally not be a genetic marker.

Mental map. Diagram showing correlations between disorders.

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